Consumable Order Form
Log a Service Call
Frequently Asked Questions
The serial number is usually located on the "Device ID" label on top of the device.Alternatively it can be obtained by pressing the "Machine Status" button and selecting "Machine Information" on the screen.
When the device is in an error state it will display a 6 digit number in the format XXX-XXX on the bottom left corner of the screen.
Providing us with an error code when logging a service call helps us to determine the cause of the fault.The quicker we are able to determine the cause of the fault, the quicker we will be able to fix it, so an error code is critical to ensuring a speedy resolution of your fault.It also gives us an indication of which parts we may require to fix the fault, so an error code helps ensure that our service team brings the right parts to the job.
If requested to do so by our service team, an error history report can be obtained by pressing the "Machine Status" button and selecting "Print Reports" followed by "Job Status / Activity Report" followed by "Error History Report" on the screen and then pressing the green "Start" button.
If requested to do so by our service team, a configuration report can be obtained by pressing the "Machine Status" button and selecting "Print Reports" followed by "Printer Reports" followed by "Configuration Report" on the screen and then pressing the green "Start" button.
Clear all print jobs from the print queue (the print queue may be located on your computer or on a server, if unsure please contact your IT)Turn off the devices power (some devices have power switches inside the front cover, if this is the case, turn it off here)Wait until the devices screen goes blank and the lights on the device go outHold down the "Start" and "Stop" buttons on the device together. Continue to hold down both buttons whilst you turn on the devices power by pressing the power button (as in step 2)The "Stop" and "Start" buttons must continue to be held down together until the device comes back onlineIf still getting this error code after following the procedure, please Log a Service Call.
Most scanning issues are caused by an issue with or change to your IT infrastructure or network rather than an issue with the device itself.It is therefore important, that before logging a service call for a scanning issue that you find out if anything has changed on your network. For instance, have you changed Internet Service Providers or email systems or gotten a new server, computer or router?Providing this information to us along with the contact details of your IT when logging a service call will greatly assist in the speedy resolution of your scanning issue.